The eAuction Support Forums
eAuction 1.6.2.x >> Progress Report >> 03/26/05

Message started by Dieter Werner on 03/26/05 at 14:26:35

Title: 03/26/05
Post by Dieter Werner on 03/26/05 at 14:26:35

- The 'Patch' methods have been developed and implemented
That means:
future changes of the code and/or future expansions of the functions can simply be uploaded (and they leave the layout untouched).

- The 'PlugIn' methods have been developed and implemented.
That means:
every addon can simply be uploaded into the 'plugin folder' and will work as a part of the system, as soon as it has been uploaded.

the above mentioned points are not a part of the downloadable beta version yet.

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