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eAuction 1.6.1.x >> Discussion of Functions >> administration  and closing and posting fees?

Message started by on 12/12/04 at 20:33:15

Title: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by on 12/12/04 at 20:33:15


I installed the script, but I am looking for an easy way to adminisrate.  Is there an Administration module that I am missing.  It works ok without anything else, and I can go into the script to make changes, but i am thinking that there should be a web based admin area.

Also, I would like to be able to get a closing fee if not a posting fee.  That would cover the costs of doing this kind of thing.  If people are successful in selling an item, they are more than happy to share in their success.  Is that coming in a future program.  


Robin Allen

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 12/12/04 at 22:57:53

Yes - it is ...  :)
I think you are still awaiting that this will be free of charge too

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by on 12/13/04 at 02:02:50


I am not looking for "FREE".  

That not being Fair!  I am looking for "Good Value".

Its hard to charge something for a script that cannot generate income.  If this script had an option to charge for posting or consumated transactions it would have a value on top of the fact that you put alot of time into it.  The prasises you are getting on the board are well deserved, but if the script had a potential to make money other than advertising you would be more justified in charging for it.   There are a few free scripts like yours  that are free and they all have one thing in common. they dont really have potential to generate income.  They dont charge for lisings. The days of "Free" are still around but not for something that can generate income.  

Thanks for your help.  

Best Regards

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 12/13/04 at 15:48:05

Thanks for your clarification.
I apologize if I should have insulted you; it wasn't my intention.

No hard feelings please.

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by on 12/13/04 at 17:51:11


No problem!  This is  a tough subject for all involved in the itnernet.  If i am using a script to generate income, then it should be no problem to pay for it!    Its just "business".  You cannot blame people for looking for scripts that are free if people are offering.  But dont be embarrassed to charge for your new version.  

Its a good way to market it!

The  Free one with no posting or lisitng fee and upgrade to the professional one with all the "bells and whistles".

Good Luck,

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 12/13/04 at 18:18:11

Good idea ...
I will think about this.

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by sam on 01/10/05 at 11:51:53

any news on that?

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 01/10/05 at 17:24:21

It is in the tube ...  ;)
Let me know, if you are interested in contributing code -  I'm grateful for each helping hand.  :)

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting f
Post by kstaub on 03/19/05 at 16:08:11

hi think  the idea of a script that generates income is great, so my idea is just to sell the module to be added, for those that want to make money with their auctions, but keep the basic script free for those who just wish to try it out or keep their auctions free of charges. :)

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 03/19/05 at 16:59:38

Jepp ...
the next version has been desingned for
- implement plugins
- implement patches
by just upload them.

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting f
Post by TickerTapeTrader on 05/13/05 at 19:30:55

Empowers you to delete items as in EveryAuction

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Rapidfirehits_2005 on 05/24/05 at 22:57:09

Dieter Werner wrote:
Yes - it is ...  :)
I think you are still awaiting that this will be free of charge too

ALright the updates will be FREE to as well??
I just got this installed but I also seen some updates which can be installed also, but you mean noone can make money with this script???

As alot of people DO NOT have much money as some expect you to pay 30-400 for a script and the FREE Ones work really well for people such as I who are very Limited. As I am disabled and I dont have money to spend everytime like some people do.....LOL

How can we change the colors and layout with this script I have Version 1.61


Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 05/24/05 at 23:46:16

Double check  :)

And you don't need to spend a lot of money in order to use this program - it's free!

But a small donation is always welcome ;)

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by patnovack on 11/26/06 at 07:29:11

I have complete administrative pages for all my various scripts that compile my auction site, a combination between cgi and cold fushion code.  My system also has all those functions such as posting fees, listing or for selling or for both, as well as fee controls based on amount or even different fees for each category ie: different rates for automobiles and watercraft as well as affiliate programs (by the way affiliates make more with our banners than ebay cause everyone knows ebay, why would they need to click on a banner on someones site to get there, they are more likely to click on our auction banner for curiosity). Anyways, I would be willing to share that with you, but dont know how much it will help, it can give you the idea of what needs to be done, but my systems are alot different and some fields in mine may not apply to the eauction script while other fields may not be there.  From what I can tell by looking around Dieter has brought this a long long way over the years. if you need to contact me about that.

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by Dieter Werner on 11/26/06 at 16:48:25

patnovack wrote:
From what I can tell by looking around Dieter has brought this a long long way over the years.

Yes - you are right ...
but during the years I had to learn that the downloaders are not interested in understanding the code and/or in contributing to the project.

Idiots like David Chapmann came along in order to crash my server ...
other nice Gentlemen (like Ernst Jacob aka 'Ernie') stole important portions of my code in order to sell an auction-script to the people.

I don't want to say that I don't continue eAuction - but it is not on the top of my todo list.

Title: Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
Post by agoranomus on 02/08/13 at 17:36:54

Dear Dieter Werner,

I am in here for second time: I am ready for donating in order to get the upgraded version 1.6.2. My intention is to provide a website that includes a eauction-possibility within the german healthcare-System: users should have a tool to bid down offers within the healthcare-system. Part of that benefit should be generated in favour of  webmasters efforts. Regarding this conditions, I dare to wish a tool for:
- bidding down
- generating fees for listing
- generating fees for bidding-success and consecutive buying

More than 2000 views concerning fee-theme should make You think about poviding a fee-generating tool. The whole thing seems to be a very solid and well running program and should be freeware for a further long time. for those who feel and / or have the economic need to generate moderate fees for providing eauction-possibilities along their websites, the download of a fee-generating tool coluld be not free of charge.

Thank You for Your attention  

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